Monday, 30 September 2013

Save Mr. Eggie !

This is what I did in class last week; trying not to break an egg by throwing it from two meters height, using only a pack of straws. So my group constructed the straws in a triangular shape so we could save straws usage. We also made a "case" for the egg. Not to brag, but we succeeded!

Taa-daa! Mr. Eggie came out safely without any crack.

Making Faces (6)

I found this cool and funny application for apple called Faces iMake. You can make faces from objects like foods, buttons, numbers, etc. Since it is not free now, I do not download it. But few years ago, I used to use this app in my previous phone. It is fun!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Making Faces (5)

There is actually a term for this phenomenon; it is called pareidoila. There are many kinds of it but the common one includes seeing faces from objects. I think everyone may be have this kind of sense?

source :

Friday, 27 September 2013

Making faces (4)

We can actually make faces from foods. In this case, I personally spot that most of the faces made from foods are intentionally made, meaning that they do not naturally appear there. Instead, people arrange the elements of the food in certain way to create faces. 

Making Faces (3)

Most common faces we encounter everyday are from cars. I think we all think the same thing; two lights as eyes and the bumper as mouth.

The car in the picture even has a "nose"!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Making Faces (2)

I just found these cool "un-animated" pictures from this link

This is my favourite face from the link. It looks so natural with two eyes looking down the bowl, as if seeing something awesome inside the bowl.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Making Faces (1)

Since I had been blogging about Analogical Thinking last week, this week I am going to blog about Making Faces. Nothing much to blog about though, but I will try to search as many references as I can. So for starter is this link that is posted by the lecturer on Blackboard.

From those 23 pictures, this one is my favourite. It is like the windows above form a pair of tired eyes; squeezed because of the sunlight.